

base class, extends NXobject


Metadata of a dataset (tomographic reconstruction) in atom probe microscopy.


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filename: (optional) NX_CHAR

Name of the (NeXus)/HDF5 file which stores reconstructed ion position ...

Name of the (NeXus)/HDF5 file which stores reconstructed ion position and mass-to-charge-state ratios. Such an HDF5 file can store multiple reconstructions. Using the information within the dataset_name fields is the mechanism whereby paraprobe decides which reconstruction to process. With this design it is possible that the same HDF5 file can store multiple versions of a reconstruction.

@version: (optional) NX_CHAR

Version identifier of the file (representing an at least SHA256 strong) ...

Version identifier of the file (representing an at least SHA256 strong) hash. Such hashes serve reproducibility as they can be used for tracking provenance metadata in a workflow.

dataset_name_reconstruction: (optional) NX_CHAR

Name of the dataset inside the HDF5 file which refers to the ...

Name of the dataset inside the HDF5 file which refers to the specific reconstructed ion positions to use for this analysis.

dataset_name_mass_to_charge: (optional) NX_CHAR

Name of the dataset inside the HDF5 file which refers to the ...

Name of the dataset inside the HDF5 file which refers to the specific mass-to-charge-state-ratio values to use for this analysis.

Hypertext Anchors

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